Types of Uterine Fibroids: What You May Experience, What To Know

Most commonly developed during a woman’s childbearing years, uterine fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) tumors that develop in or around a woman’s uterus. And did you know that, according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, approximately 20% to 80% of women develop uterine fibroids by the time they reach age 50?

But, despite the relatively common occurrence of such fibroids, it’s important to recognize that no two women will experience uterine fibroids the same way. One reason why? There are four different types of uterine fibroid a woman can have and, in some cases, a woman may have more than one of the following at a time:

Where They’re Found

  • Intramural Fibroids – Intramural fibroids develop within the uterine wall. These fibroids can be located in front of the uterus (anterior), in the back of the uterus (posterior), or in the upper part of the uterus (fundal).
  • Subserosal Fibroids – These fibroids develop outside of the uterine wall, rather than within. Subserosal fibroids can also potentially grow to become pedunculated fibroids.
  • Submucosal Fibroids – Submucosal fibroids are the least common of uterine fibroids in that they develop underneath the lining of the uterine cavity itself.
  • Pedunculated Fibroids – Pedunculated fibroids are attached to the uterine wall via a stalk-like growth called a peduncle.

What Specific Symptoms You May Notice

  • Intramural Fibroids – Due to the fact that intramural fibroids grow from within the uterine wall, one may mistake the presence of such a fibroid as pregnancy or weight gain as the fibroid causes the uterus to expand.
  • Subserosal Fibroids – As they grow, subserosal fibroids can continue to place greater pressure on surrounding organs, meaning you’re more apt to notice pelvic pain or discomfort.
  • Submucosal Fibroids – Submucosal fibroids tend to be either asymptomatic in nature or aggressively symptomatic, with little room in-between. For those who do experience symptoms, they might notice the passing of blood clots or frequent urination on a daily basis. Submucosal fibroids can also block the fallopian tubes and cause fertility complications for some women.
  • Pedunculated Fibroids – Similarly to subserosal fibroids, women who are living with pedunculated fibroids may experience pelvic pain, as the fibroid may twist on their stalk inside of the body.

What They All Have In Common

Regardless of the type(s) of fibroid someone may have, some symptoms are universal and are common among many women. In particular, most women who have some form of uterine fibroid might experience:

  • Excessive menstrual bleeding/prolonged periods
  • Pelvic pain or pressure
  • Frequent urination
  • And more

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it may be time to reach out to a trusted physician and find out whether you are living with uterine fibroids. And that’s why Duval Fibroid Center is here — to educate and empower women regarding uterine fibroids and what treatment options are available to them! Learn more and schedule your screening today by calling (904) 423-6017.